Thursday, April 8, 2010

Went Marsiling with Joleen. Don't know what happen siah.
Keep day dream until I miss the stop. Lol. Then take another train u-turn back right.
Day dream again then walk until nearly stop inside the train track. -,-
Lucky the uncle driving the train horn me. Oh fuck, how lucky am I.
After Marsiling back to Yishun funland. Wait around 1 hour for Baobeh to come. -,-
Idiot! Change time never tell me! Lol. Waited for the L.Yanfen princess from 7 to 9.15!
Omg, don't know she drop until which hole lea! Lol.
Watched Clash of the Titans! Ohhh, it's a great show! :D
So exciting manxzz! After movie went 848 eat. Slacked awhile then went home lur.
Fennieeeeeee <3

Super tired hur. Sleep at Baobeh's car while she drive Pearlina home.
Haha. Miss-ed school today. W. the same reason again. -,-
But add one more reason! Cause body-ache laa!
The stupid NAFA TEST. Make my muscle ache! Lol.

Sooner or later I'll be free to leave the past behind. Sooner or later you're gonna be The Last Thing on my mind. Little by little I'm finding out The Truth behind your eyes. I'm trying so hard now... 

The fucking dog staying just opposite my room! Stop eating my things w/o permission!
Thought you said you're very rich? Then still eat my things for what.
Alot of times alr lea. Think I your sponsorer ah? -,-
Rich then buy one dozen put at home laa. Shameless.
When you're not really so good still dare to boast around? Yet you don't know people are laughing at you.
LOL. Making my fingers laugh. -,- If you're really as good as how you boast yourself,
show it to people like me who don't believe. 
Better than snatching house phones, tv, toilet & everything w. me. -,-
Grow up manxzzz! 

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